Sunday, 6 October 2019


          you can’t use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have
                                             - Maya Angelou - 

practicing mindfulness is a key component to our health and wellbeing and creating is one of my favourites ways in which to get this meditative practice into my day

I love doodling, it draws out the stresses within and forces you to be mindfully present in the moment

taking time out for ourselves these days can sometimes feel like a guilty pleasure, especially when we seem to have to much to do...
that said, it is important, especially as our lives seem to run on over-drive to take time for us, me time, whatever that may be, to be present in the moment, not thinking of the past or the future but the here and right now

these are hydrangea leaves and they have such beautiful colouring, also a nice level of thickness to hold the ink
open yourself up to the art of slow living, the rewards are boundless

i hope you will be visually inspired to get your pens out

till next time



  1. Thank you for stopping by Alison ✨😊🙌

  2. Seriously, I would never dreamed to doodle on a real leaf, much less try, and didn't even think it would take the ink. I'm blown away that you can do this, and LOVE your mandela doodle on looks like a hieroglyphics design, and just so cool! I would preserve it forever!

    1. Thank you so much Anita 😊
      I find doodling very therapeutic these days and leaves have quite a robust texture, give it a go Xx

  3. You’ve always been inspiring Mel and it’s lovely that you pass on your thoughts and talents to us all
    Lynn xx

    1. Thank you so much Lynn, you are always very complimentary and I'm glad you still drop by 😊Xx

  4. I agree that taking mindful moments for creativity can bring many benefits.


...thank you so much for taking the time to drop by my blog...Mel :)