Friday, 16 August 2019


...tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
~ Mary Oliver ~

it's been awhile i know, where does the time go?
that said, so much has been happening around here, but, creativity is never far from my mind...i'm changing jobs within the NHS and as part of my leaving do, I thought it would be nice to give my colleagues a little memento to remember me by 😊

those of you who know me well, know i have a mild obsession with hearts 😉

so i thought, homemade, hand-drawn key rings and heartstone paperweights would be a perfect reflection of me  

the paper I used is handmade organic Khadi Paper it's beautifully tactile and comes in many sizes and my favourite go to pen is a fine nib Pit Pen (0.1) as you can get fine detail without compromise

once my image was drawn it was put within the casement and snapped shut 

I also made the keyring double sided (drawing the same image on both sides of the paper)

aren't they just the cutest (ideal for any celebration, birthdays, party bags, baby showers, weddings and table decorations etc, the list is endless)

now the heart stones, they were easy, just a question of several beach trips with an eagle eye at the ready to seek out the heart shaped ones amongst the million others 😂

i'm also obsessed with these cute gnarly limpet shells, once a home to little sea creatures who have outgrown them, who's tops have been battered by the ebb and flow of the tide and make perfect accessories to gift tags etc

some heart stones are just simply breathtaking like this one with the quartz running through it

as anyone knows working in a hospital environment the words 'keep calm and carry on' can pop in your head hourly 😂

lovely simple gifts, that are organic and tactile...repurposinging sea treasures left behind by the tide is a lovely way to carry on their journey

simple little gifts, that hold heartfelt meaning

thank you for dropping by today

until next time